Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Insect do not sense things in the same way that we do.They do not have a nose for smelling.
How ever insect can feel smell and taste with their antenna .Some can also taste with their feet while the hair on the insects body help it to feel.
Most insect have hairs on their bodies .These hairs ar stiff and are connected to nerve cells. the insect can feel every movement of the hairs
Some insects such as butterflies ,bees  blowflies can taste with their feet when they land on the some thing sweet ,They immediately put out their proboscis and start feeding .
The antenna are an insects most important sense to heat and dampness well as being used for smelling and tasting only part of the bluebottle antenna are shown .The main parts are in front of head .
Insect have two kinds of eyes simple eyes called ocelli and compound eye .The compound eye made of thousand of separate lens.
Insect do not focus their eyes in same way that we do they can how ever detect even the slightest movement .Some insect can see forwards.backwards and downwards all at the same time .
How Grasshoppers and cricets sing
Male Grasshoppers and crickets can sing by rubbing together two parts of their body,
Crickets rub to gether roughened parts on their wings.
Grasshopper rub their legs,which have a row of tiny pegs,on them against the hard vein on their fore wings .Each types of Grasshopper make a different sound.They sing to woo females or to complete against a rival .
They have ears on their first pair of legs or on the side of the abdomen.